schroeder just died. my dog just died. the dog that i've loved for seven years just died. and i really am sad...
frankly, i feel a bit stupid and silly for actually feeling this bad about the death of an animal. whenever i would see steve irwin sobbing over the death of one of his crocs on the animal planet, i always found him to be a bit over the top. but now that i'm actually the one who's in that kind of situation... i can't help but feel really bad as well. no, i'm not sobbing, crying or going hysterical. i haven't cried about anything in the longest time. maybe i should. i dunno...
anyway... i really will miss that big golden ball of fur. he was a really good dog. he was really smart. extemely playful. and he was the sweetest dog ever. he would even make tampo with me everytime i would forget to greet or play with him whenever i would get home. why? cuz he'd always be there faithfully and eagerly waiting for my arrival.
i will miss him pouncing on me leaving paw marks and fur all over my clean clothes. i will miss him barking up a storm whenever i would give him his food. i will miss him hiding under my bed (or at least trying to since he really didn't fit) during thunder storms. i will miss him running and barking freely at the ateneo high school football fields. i will miss him going hysterical over tennis balls. i will miss hugging him whenever i'm sad and him making me happy because of it. i will miss him... i miss him already... i wish i could hug him now...
although he was already quite old at the age of seven, it never really occurred to me exactly that he was indeed old. he always had this puppy aura with him that never went away. he was always ready for playtime... even to the point of waking me up in the middle of the night just to play fetch. i would get annoyed, of course, but i really didn't mind. he even woke me up for my birthday by slobbering all over my hand a few days back...
"ano ka ba nikko... aso lang yan..." my mind keeps telling me, inducing some sort of shame within me for being overly affected by his death. but it doesn't matter. i really don't care. i loved schroeder... and i will most definitely be missing him...