boys' night out... but not, cliche as it may sound, in a brokeback kinda way...
boys' night out... but not, cliche as it may sound, in a brokeback kinda way...hey guys... i'm in migs' house right now and the boys' night out... or in... depending on which way you see it... has just reached its meaningful conclusion. "why?" you might ask? well everybody's pretty much as dead as a bunch of antelope shred into a dozen pieces by a pride of lions. it's not really the perfect analogy but once you see the pics i just took, you'll pretty much understand what i mean. hehehe...
anyway, i just had an amusing night with the soon-to-be graduates of the ateneo. although scenes of mikel chasing me around the escueta household, including miguel's grandmother's room, desperately wanting to get a good punch at my face still haunt me... as well as david lee ranting on and on and on about his traumatic life experiences for at least two whole hours while everyone else frolicked around the pool (i love you david... don't get angry)... migs gettin cozy, hot and heavy with everyone by the pool by insisting to talk about a certain controversial topic and then taking a few of us aside every once in a while just to tell us how "batak" he is, complete with a flexing and posing routine, while still expertly juggling his role as the night's host... drew and "blow by blow" tonyo doing nothing else but try to outdo and get the better of each other in nba live practically the entire night... sulit joe and sumusulit slammer adi showing the rest how "manly" they are by constantly bickering about who's the "bata" of who the whole time... and trick just sitting by the pool, cig in hand, nursing his knee and drinking away his sorrows about god knows what... or who! and these are just a few of the dusturbing scenes about this lovely night that i would rather forget! hahaha... nah just kidding dudes... or am i!?!
anyway... everybody pretty much had a great chillaxing night... what... with their impending graduation lurking just a few days away? who can blame them? they pretty much deserve it after four years of busting their asses doing things they hate (and love... sometimes) i mean... i would too if i were in their shoes! but alas... i am not...
as for me... college life is just peeking around the corner... that is, if i get in (hopefully i do...). i'm kinda excited yet anxious as well. it is to be expected, i guess, but still, somehow it still keeps me up nights... and even days, worrying... nay... pondering about it. i can only do so much. the rest is up to fate. sigh... i do hope and pray that i do make it into the big blue one.
oh well... whatever will be... will be. i guess, these are the times and moments that give life more color and make living this life a whole lot more exciting. to be waiting with much anticipation the outcome of things where and when one doesn't really have much control over... and learning how to live, survive and even thrive when the outcome, whether or not it is to one's liking or not, comes out.
hmmm... pretty intense thoughts stemming from a mere "boys night out" i reckon. but then again... even the most trivial (or so we think) of things in life tend to make people reflect upon their lives and life choices... this is one of those times, i guess...
thanks to migs for giving me and the rest of the graduatees a place and time to be free, relax and just be themselves (whoever they are). and thanks to the others who were with us tonight... mikel, sulit, slammer, david, tonyo, drew and trick... even though i ain't really part of comtech, actm and what not... thanks for making me feel welcome and like one of you guys (soon-to-be-graduates). truly a night to remember.
so as i mentioned earlier, here are the "dead antelope" pics. enjoy. see ya'll in bora soon!

sulit joe...





slammer adi...

blow by blow by blow tonyo...