so much has happened...
so much has happened...i can't believe it's actually been 5 months since the last time i posted an entry here. well, i guess for the past 2 or so months, i've been rather busy fussing over my multiply site. but nevertheless, it's been a long time... and to think so much has already happened since. i'll try my best to recount everything that's transpired since my last entry (or at least the ones i wanna put here) in my succeeding entries...
it's just that i've done so many things, including meeting my long lost younger brother, something that i've been dreaming of for the longest time, for the first time... since then. moreover, i've met so many great people, had deep and penetrating conversations and gotten close to a few of them as well. sadly, i've also seemingly drifted away (whether deliberately or not) from a few old ones too. there were so many firsts, so many lasts (possibly), so many highs, so many lows, so many moments of confusion, so many times of clarity... yada, yada, yada... that it confuses me and leaves me not knowing where and how to start. oh well... "one step at a time" is always a good and reliable plan, so i guess that's what i'll do so as to not overwhelm myself. i just have this tendency to want to do everything.. talk about everything... think about everything at the same time that it just leaves me paralyzed and not able to do anything at all (see what i mean... my point exactly)... tsk tsk tsk...
pipes just called and he's dropping by in a few... which means, if i want this blog of mine to remain a secret (at least it's url), then i better publish this as soon as i can and hide... hehehe...
anyway... here's a pic for ya'll (whoever "ya'll" actually are) that sorta defines where i am now... spreading and stretching my wings, trying and learning to fly...