merry christmas...
merry christmas...
"For today in the city of David a savior has been born for you
who is Messiah and Lord..." - Luke 2:11
to my parents and to my brothers. to the atienza mafia and to the del rosario dynasty. to my boys and to the berks. to my oldest friends and even to my newest ones...
simply put... during Christmas, we remember how God sent His Son to a bunch of unworthies like us. what can i say? He just loves us very much. anyway, i just want ya'll to know that Jesus' love is real. i pray that ya'll be overwhelmed with His love this season and may your Christmases be filled with His laughter, His joy and His peace. you guys mean the world to me... and i really mean it. love ya guys.
merry christmas!
shoot the cats...
shoot the cats...for the fifth consecutive night now, two cats have been engaging in a non-stop, all-night-long meow-fest on our roof... and not just any part of our roof, but right by my window... rendering me practically sleepless and desperately longing for some serenity!i know it's probably mating season right now and that they're all in heat... but do i really care? do they actually think sleep deprivation is fun? do they actually think i'm being amused or entertained? do they actually think they're being all cute and romantic (like those wildlife characters commonly seen on disney flicks)? pssshhh... ya'll have no idea how annoyed i am right now!argh! and there they go again! somebody, shut them up... now... please!believe me... i've tried. but no matter what i do, no amount of shouting and taunting on my part has made the slightest effect on them! and now, they're running around, causing so much pandemonium on the rooftop while they're at it! argh!
i can't stand it! i swear, if i only had a shotgun right now (or at the very least a bb gun...), i'd shoot those freakin' felines off 'a my roof this very moment! don't get me wrong. i'm an animal lover and all that... but gimme a break! it's almost christmas... can't i have at least one silent night!?!
you know what i'm saying? so please. somebody. help me out. shoot the cats...
ps - these photographs express my wish for those cats...

the would-be love of my life...
the would-be love of my's no secret. people always think that dani and i are together. either that or that we're either one of these common suspicions-slash-accusations: (a) that we are, at the very least, going out (b) that i'm making her ligaw (for the past how many years now!?!) and not surprisingly (c) that as fate (or what other people wish our fate to be) would have it, we will inevitably end up... together. the concern on whether we want to or not is negligible.i swear... if people would only mind their own business, leave us alone and let nature take its course, then maybe, things wouldn't be so confusing for all 'a them what's the real deal between the two of us? hmmm... what do you think?while you do so... here's my latest pic with the would-be love of my life...