the would-be love of my life...
the would-be love of my's no secret. people always think that dani and i are together. either that or that we're either one of these common suspicions-slash-accusations: (a) that we are, at the very least, going out (b) that i'm making her ligaw (for the past how many years now!?!) and not surprisingly (c) that as fate (or what other people wish our fate to be) would have it, we will inevitably end up... together. the concern on whether we want to or not is negligible.
i swear... if people would only mind their own business, leave us alone and let nature take its course, then maybe, things wouldn't be so confusing for all 'a them onlookers.
so what's the real deal between the two of us? hmmm... what do you think?
while you do so... here's my latest pic with the would-be love of my life...