brothers...mix, joey and i finally met up today.
i was a bit anxious, yes, but as the time we spent together went, it turned out that there wasn't anything for me to be worried about after all. needless to say, it went pretty well.
as i mentioned in my earlier post, mix arrived earlier than expected, catching me still drooling on my pillow. so after i brought him home, i went home to dress up and then picked joey up (which, i swear, took me an hour to do... damn the UP traffic!). when i finally got to his house, he invited me to go inside and meet his mom. reluctantly, i obliged and was greeted not just by his mom but also his whole clan! grandma, tita, tito, pinsans, etc. man, was i freakin' out inside! all eyes were on me and i wasn't sure what they were thinking. geez. i felt like a freak show... it was so awkward!
anyhow, after what seemed like an eternity, we finally left their house and went on to pick mix up. of course i had to gas the car up first. i explained to joey that if i didn't, mix would blow my head off. heehee. after gassing the car up we went straight to mix's house where he and joey laid eyes and met each other for the first time.
t'was cool actually, there wasn't any of those awkward silences at all. we then went on our way to pancake house katipunan. of course it's a given that we ordered and ate and talked and all that, so i won't bother writing about those stuff anymore. it was just so surreal that we were having our first meal together with our long lost little brother that mix and i had never met until this week. after our brunch, mix and joey both went out for a couple of smokes. i purposely volunteered to stay inside and pay for the bill. i wanted them to have some alone time together to talk and get to know each other. and they did. it was awesome to see them together talking and getting along so darn well.
after a while, they came back in and we took our stuff and went out. as i waited for danielle to drive by with the cam that i was borrowing to at least have our first pic together, they smoked a couple of sticks and chatted even more (about what, i have no idea). when dani finally arrived (after what seemed like forever), we exchanged cordial "hi there" smiles with her and tito tats and got the cam. then off we went to the lina's house. ceres was the designated photographer. hehehe. it was a good thing, ceres had her mini dv cam with her, isel's damn camera wouldn't work. then came our first ever pic together as brothers.
so after taking our first ever pic together (where joey also met his cousins, pipo and cer for the first time), we then went to mix's pad where we hung out, talked, and gave our kuya some "love" advice... hahaha... geez. mikki was pretty off that day not to mention extra high-strung. i guess he was tired from work, so i just told joey to be patient with mix and that he wasn't normally like that. joey didn't even care... he was just so happy and caught up with the fact that he was actually with his brothers. i guess so were all of us.
at about 2 pm, we had to leave (since joey had a soccer game at dlsu at 3 and i had to go to the ecr to get my stuff from the genrev hq). we drove joey to the lrt station and reluctantly said our goodbyes, did our manly, brotherly hugs and promised to meet up again sometime very soon. so that's the story.
i don't really have any profound insights or some thought provoking realizations about our rendezvous and i know that this entry has no sense of coherence at all, just thoughts mentioned in chronological order (sans any creative mumbo jumbos...), but i just can't help but be thankful and happy that joey's in our life. in my life. who could've thought that the little brother that i'd been looking for for the past 10 years would actually be hanging out with both of his kuyas? looking at mikki and the way he acted towards joey was also definitely something. i don't really know how to articulate it, but i know that he knew that joey knew that all of three of us knew that everything was cool and that everything was gonna be okay. there wasn't really anything that needed to be said. we just knew.
we were happy. we were together. and we were... nay... are brothers. i guess miracles still do happen.