Tuesday, March 28, 2006



to my best friend... goodbye...

but before we part, let me just say one thing. please... don't push away the people who love you the most... because I am one of those people. needless to say, it hurts, but know that i am not angry at you. i'm just really heart broken with the reality of the situation. i am sad that it has to come to this. but if to stay away from you is what you want from me, then i have no choice but to respect that. i look back fondly at all we've been through. the good times and the unbearably tough. the craziness and the utterly silly. all the love and all the genuine concern. but alas, all those belong in the past. mere memories, you could say. however, i do hope the future will bring us even better times. remember, though, that you will always be welcome in my life. the door will forever be open. when you need me as a friend, know that i'll always be there for you. just give me a call, a text, an email, an instant message or feel free to drop by the house. don't even hesitate. you know my number and my address anyway. so until we see each other again, i just want to say that i love you more than you know... truly so much more than you know. i do hope and pray that God will bring us together again in the future. until then, with tears in my eyes and a crack in my voice... adios.

your friend who loves you until it hurts,
