hey you! yes, you! leave your name here...
hey you! yes, you! leave your name here...okay... i've finally succumbed. this is my first attempt at a blog tagging game. but i found this one particularly interesting anyway. it's an interactive game of sorts, i guess. that's why it sparked my interest... that and it will potentially increase the number of comments on my blog... you know me... i simply adore comments! hahaha... so here goes.
leave any comment here, preferably one with your name and...
1. i'll respond with something random about you.
2. i'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
3. i'll pick a flavor of jello to wrestle with you in.
4. i'll say something that only makes sense to you and me.
5. i'll tell you my first/clearest memory of you.
6. i'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. i'll ask you something that i've always wondered about you.
this is what i got from frances...
1. nikko's hair used to be blue. then it became green. then it became the color of dead seaweed. then now it's blue again. yay!
2. pirates of the carribean. jack sparrow ka eh
3. hmm... ice-cream flavored jello! (you still owe me a sundae!)
4. mahal ng maid yung waiter. hahahahaha!
5. singing on stage...
6. you're anansi the spider. haha
7. masaya ka ba talaga? can't think of a thing. hahaha
and frances...
- it might be red soon... or purple!
- jack sparrow? ako? wow, i'm honored... seriously. hahaha...
- yes, i owe you a sundae. i haven't forgetten.
- mahal din ng waiter yung maid...
- what about singing everywhere?
- who the hell is anansi the spider!?!
- yes. masaya ako. of course, things can never be perfect... cliche at its finest, i know. but then again... maybe it's the contrast of the bad things in life with the good that makes the good... great! diba? i've never been this true to myself in my life... and that makes me the happiest i've ever been.

i have blue hair... and yes, i'm happy...