i don't wanna talk about it...
i don't wanna talk about it...what's the latest in my life? here's what...

i got about six stitches on my forehead, exactly on my right eyebrow. the experts say its gonna leave a mark. damn. so much for my unblemished face (yeah right!). at least, it's gonna add a little bit more of an angas factor to my character... hopefully... or i just might end up looking even more like a wuss than i already do. oh well.
wherever i go, people have been staring at me like a freak, asking me about what happened and all... classmates, teachers, friends, strangers. but i really don't wanna talk about it... sorry. for those of you who know, please don't spill the beans, if you know what i mean. i don't want to make a bigger issue out of it. just wanted to share-slash-vent. muchos gracias...
ps - you can click on the the pic to see the other pics...