first few days of freshman life...
viaje: orsem a continuation of my previous blog entry, here are some of the pics i took with my phone during orsem. oh and i just wanna say... i loved my orsem! so you peeps pretending to be orsem-haters, stop making pa-cool and admit that you enjoyed yours as well. but if you still insist on acting like you hate orsem... go suck an egg while you're at it! hahaha... kidding of course. oh yeah... i love my block too! enjoy the pics.

"high-fashion" block a4 by the batibot tree...

jan, raphi, roel and mike during group dynamics...

our "high-fashion" tnt's and logs: gian, cam, trish and stan...

the girl's of a4... with gian... at the vanity stop...

maika, kim, pao and rita still "high-fashion" despite the exhuastion ...

with isel during orsem night...


early dinner with the bloomfields...

i found aram and bea scattered amidst the freshmen...

chito of parokya... grainy shot though...

promoting aj's "wear your memories" shirts with yda bida...
