so long, sabbatical...
so long, sabbatical...
a little over a year ago (may 30 to be exact), i, through my own volition, went through a year-long sabbatical. i had just been through a lot of stress, anxiety and trauma and i needed a very long break from everything... all the pressure, all the confusion, all the controversy and, not to mention, all the drama! i need not enumerate each occurrence and i don't want to go into detail about every single thing that was going on either, but the point is, i needed to get away from everything and, on my own, find out exactly where i stood... and from there, find out exactly where i wanted to stand.
it's been a year and a week since i voluntarily broke away from everything and i feel and know that it's just about time for me to get back into the fray once again. not that i have a choice anyway. orsem's next week, school's gonna begin a week after and i can't get it out of my head that i'm gonna be a freshman soon. how weird is that. but then again, weird, unusual and unorthodox has always been standard for my life! what's new...
but seriously now, i just wanna thank God for every single thing that happened this past year. i thank Him for allowing me to survive and even thrive in the lowest point i've ever been, and i thank Him for giving me the chance to be the highest and happiest i've ever been as well. i thank Him for having been given the chance to do things i never thought i could or would do and i thank Him as well for never letting me lose hope even in the direst of circumstances.
more than just these, i would also like to thank Him for giving me the opportunity to meet so many new people, friends and brothers and sisters... people whose lives have changed and inspired me. awesome people who i know will be my friends for life. likewise, i am also filled with gratitude for having been given another chance to re-establish my relationships with long lost friends. those whose friendships, i thought, i would no longer have the privilege and honor of having. but thankfully i was wrong. i am grateful for a second chance, for forgiveness and for acceptance. i thank God for all you people. you know who you are... and i just want to thank all of you for being you.
i know it's getting a bit long, overly dramatic and a tad too boring for ya'll but i just felt like these things needed to be said. actually, if you really knew me, you would know that there are still chapters upon chapters of things i still want to say... and that i could actually go on and on for hours (or pages) on end, but for the love of you all, i'll just end it here. heehee...
life indeed has been a life this past year. so cheers to my sabbatical. cheers to all that happened. cheers to all my friends and loved ones. i don't regret anything that happened. and if ever i do regret something, it would simply be that i wish i could've done more, seen more, discovered more... lived more. but then again, that's what the rest of my life is for...