can i panic now...
can i panic now...midterms... it's that time of the semester. things are definitely starting to pile up. and despite me being exhausted and longing for some much-needed sleep, tomorrow, i still have...
- two papers due for english.
- to finalize and start writing my literary paper.
- a zoology lecture long test.
- a math long test.
- two due lab requirements.
- to study for my fil long test the next day.
can i panic now?
i know that i'm supposed to be studying right this very moment... but the thing is... i'm not. i can't seem to focus and my brain just keeps on hanging in the oddest of times. nevertheless, i should be hitting the books and class notes ahora! and i'm increasingly feeling more and more guilty with each moment that passes by that i'm not doing so. i'm such a procrastinator... i hate it! hahaha...
i gotta end this. i think i'm gonna study now...
but before i do, here's a little something that'll hopefully make ya'll smile... the fruit of one of my block's long breaks between classes.

i've got something special...